Make sure you have a compatible C compiler with Cython. Py -3 -m pip install SarcLib STEP 4: (Skip to 4.5 for Windows) Open Command Prompt or PowerShell (Windows) or Terminal (Linux or Mac OSX) and type the following: (If you are on Linux or Mac OSX, replace py -3 with python3) Install the latest version of Python 3 (make sure you install pip and, on Windows, select the option to add Python to PATH): pyx files and then remove any instances of pyximport in the code. (pyximport)Īlternatively, you can build the. Please note that when building Miyamoto, you have to remove any instances of Cython usage in both Miyamoto and libyaz0. libtxc_dxtn - Original DXT5 (De)compressor in C.Hiccup - Spritedata, Sprite Categories.Level and Tileset Data Reverse-engineering AboodXD - Lead Coder, Icons & Graphics, Sprite Images & Coding.Grop, Hiccup, Kinnay, MrRean and RoadrunnerWMC - Reggie! Next NSMBU.RoadrunnerWMC - Creator of Reggie! Next.Uses Python 3, PyQt5, SarcLib and libyaz0. U / New Super Luigi U EditorĪ level editor for NSMBU and NSLU by AboodXD and Gota7, based on Reggie! Next by RoadrunnerWMC, which is based on Reggie by Treeki, Tempus et al.